Connecting the World Through

Let Your Videos Reach The World.

We provide the unique AI Dubbing Hub experience WITH YOUR OWN VOICE. Translated and dubbed videos in English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, and more.

Our Quality

Expand your reach through video.

Original video (Parasite Movie – Bong, Joonho)
Director Bong Joon-ho of the film “Parasite” said,

Once you overcome the 1-inch tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films.

English dubbing by AIDubbingHub
Original video (Low Birthrate Issue – Seoul National University)
English dubbing by AIDubbingHub
Original video (TTeokbokki – Cooking log – JongwonBack)
English dubbing by AIDubbingHub
Original video (History by Seol Min-seok)
English dubbing by AIDubbingHub
Chinese dubbing by AIDubbingHub
Original video (English, Money – New York University)
Korean dubbing by AIDubbingHub
Original video (Steve Jobs’ Commencement Speech)
Korean dubbing by AIDubbingHub

We’re Waiting for Your Videos.

Travel content, Food content, Lecture content. Now 8 billion people around the world can watch and listen.

Worldwide Population of Language Speakers
• Global Population: Approximately 8 billion
• Chinese: Approximately 1.6 billion
• English: Approximately 1.5 billion
• Hindi: Approximately 600 million
• Spanish: Approximately 580 million
• Arabic: Approximately 310 million
• French: Approximately 270 million
• Indonesian: Approximately 270 million
• Russian: Approximately 250 million
• Portuguese: Approximately 230 million
• Bengali: Approximately 230 million
• Vietnamese: Approximately 96 million
• Korean: Approximately 80 million
• Thai: Approximately 75 million

Why choose us

Extraction of original video scripts

Script correction + delivery

Multilingual translation and Dubbing with your voice

Original text database management (Extra service)


Send Us Your Video

We’ll create and send you a 15-second English video with your own voice for free. Experience the amazing AI Dubbing Hub service.

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For inquiries on KakaoTalk, click or scan below.


  1. Test Sample

    • Send us a 15-second sample video for testing, and we’ll provide an English dubbed version for free.
    • Review the video and decide whether to make a purchase.
  2. YouTube Channel Information

    • Please provide your YouTube channel and URL.
  3. Our Process

    • Text extraction from the video
    • Script correction
    • English translation
    • English proofreading
    • Dubbing
    • Completion of the project

No, we do not offer real-time services.

Yes, we offer significant discounts to non-profit organizations. Please request via email.

All videos undergo script extraction followed by translation into English. The English translation is handled by experts proficient in both Korean and English at a native level, having resided in the United States for over 10 years. Request a 15-second free trial service today.

Yes, we typically base our pricing on approximately 30 minutes of content. If the duration exceeds, we may request additional fees.

If you wish to translate and dub in two or more languages, please select the quantity as 2 or 3 during payment.

No, we only provide the script of the original video.

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client reviews

What People Think About Us

We provide the unique AI Dubbing Hub experience, already proven with just a 15-second sample.